First up... How about all those incredible rings worn by Balthazar Blake in Sorcerer's Apprentice? And The Dragon Ring worn by The Prime Merlinian, Dave?
Well the were made by Lazaro and now you can buy your own!
Hi Hellokittynicfan! Both the Dragon Ring worn by Jay Baruchel's character and all of Nic's rings in the movie were amazing!
If you check the link you can see where they were made. Somewhat out of my price range too!
And lol I just got what you meant about the ring being on EBay...Dave mentions that about the ring in the film! Lol!
Hmmm perhaps a memorabillia auction, but in many ways I hope not! maybe our knight can display them in the Castle somewhere, as a homage to his magical hands!
I just love Nic's taste in jewellery.Sadly,I don't see him wearing it as much as he used to back in the 90's I think,or am I wrong? By the way,remember what Nic said on why he was so fond of jewellery?
"I do feel that geology is fascinating and I do feel that anything that nature has to offer is special and important and has an energy to it, a vibration to it, so I have always responded to things that were, let’s just say in the natural history pantheon, whether they be fossils or rocks in the raw state, but not in any way of like this is jewelry or a status symbol. Not jewelry but more like God’s art. This is something that nature has to offer, and what I can learn from it, or what can I enjoy about it? How can it support me in some way?"
Anyone knows what is the bracelet on his left hand made of?I mean what gem it is?Looks gorgeous!
Oooh Lady Trueheart and Voodoo Child purrrlease keep them coming! Nic + gemstones = two of my biggest and longest passions combined... it's almost better than sex!
*thinks sex with Nic wearing gemstones*
lady T.. Along with his ample amber rings, the majestic purple ring is one of my favourites I have seen Nic wear ! Purple and fit for royalty!
Hmm we won't ever be able to tell for sure without getting our hands on it but something makes me wonder whether it is could be purple sapphire, or even a purple diamond *dreams* which are extremely rare!
Voodoo child thank you for sharing the bracelet pic, I'd not seen it before! I've zoomed in and tried to have a look but I really can't see the stones clearly! What are you seeing, colour wise and so on?
And I do love this quote, i'm filled with resonance!
-- Edited by Lula Argante on Thursday 7th of October 2010 02:11:07 PM
Nicolas certainly has a beautiful selection of jewellery, as a lover of gemstones and crystals, and of all things Nicolas Cage I especially admire his rings!!!
thanks for posting these extras pics and links eva and Lady T!
How about this stunning ring Nic has worn a couple of times this year
Here is a picture from a press conference of Nic's hand. A beautiful amythyst Ring and a skull ring.
Wow! The purple diamond skull with the black opals is incredible. I didn't realize Nic's favorite color was purple until last year. Those rings above are amazing.
Thanks, everyone for those nice pictures of Nick's jewels! Love his rings the most. Wow! On his nice hand! Love his hands, and everything about Nick too! He is handsome for sure and wearing the jewelry makes it more wonderful to see. Neat he loves the color purple!
They are great, aren't they, Nancy?! And lots of different things, necklaces, bracelets, brooches! He wears the jewels really well too, and I enjoy his choices, not just a typical diamond or topaz, but great colours and of good size too.He needs big for his big presence, I think! I am going to look for a good picture of that beautiful ring he has worn recently.
Indeed! Really beautNICful! I always enjoy it! Nic has such NICxcellent and NICxtraordinary good taste, both in clothes and jewelry, he wears!Thank you, Lady T., for posting this wonderful pic!
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
Although, the rings are part of his costume in SA, I think, they might also deserve a place here, because, Nic said in an interview, they were cutom-made:
Indeed, more beautiful rings for the kings' jewels thread!
Lady R, the rings Blathazar wore and the Prime Merlinian 'Dragon Ring' in The Sorcerer's Apprentice were custom made, I posted a link to the creator in the second post of this topic