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Post Info TOPIC: As A Fan.......

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 7:15 PM, 09/12/10
As A Fan.......

I thought we could begin an open discussion thread where we talk about our views about various things, "As A Fan"!starry

First up, a question for you all!

When a new Nic film is upcoming and we hear all about the shooting news, plot rumours, character info, trailers, spoilers and all the hype, do you draw a line about how much you wanna know in case it spoils your experience of the film?!

For me, i absolutely love the build up to a film up to a certain point. It feels like part of the process of being pulled in. I'm really not one for the whole celeb world, the publicity machine the media, hey i don't even own a tv and never read a paper. Hype I do not generally like! But i enjoy the magic of the excitement leading up to a film..The Sorcerer's Apprentice has to have been the best for me! starry

I didn't mind knowing so much of the plot, or that Disney had put out so many trailers and clips..i was in Nic heaven! However, I think that was for this particular film..the whole experience was enchanting and alluring for me.

Today I found myself not wanting to know any more about Ghost Rider, and wishing I'd not read any of the rumoured plot details! Inconsistent, c'est moi!

How about for you my friends?

As a fan, before you have seen a film, how much do you want to know?flowerface2




The Changeling

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Date: 7:24 PM, 09/12/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Personally, I don't mind hearing the details before I see a movie because I'm aware that as the screenplay is adapted onto the large screen, the nuances the actors bring to the role broaden and actually enhance/or CHANGE the initial screenplays direction.

What I mean is that each actor, while going within and developing a character, comes up with his/her own interpretation and THAT we can't really catch a glimpse of until we see the actual movie.   It's one of the reasons I enjoy Nic's work so much.  He always, no matter what the role calls for, brings to his characters some very real quirks that I think most other actors don't even dream of.

Great question Lula!

Can't wait to read other people's thoughts!


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~


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Date: 3:51 AM, 09/13/10
RE: As A Fan.......

The only thing I don't want to know is the the ending, or any major plot twists. I have seen quite a few of Nicks' movies lately that I knew all of the story, and it was still great to see them.  I often just watch them for him, some I would never have watched if he weren't in it. Such as Windtalkers or Lord Of War.
But, if anyone had told me the ending of Knowing or Matchstick Men or City Of Angels, for example, it would have taken away from the experience since that is integral to the movie.



Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 10:45 PM, 09/13/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Ooh great replies, ladies of the Castle!

Your insight resonates White Fay! So true, we can never really get the character with plot details and glimpses, no matter what we know about the movie, nothing can compare to being submerged in it and going on the whole journey and being pulled into the entire whole experience! flowerface2

And I totally agree with you Lady Trueheart, it would ruin the experience of the film to know of such major bits of the movie beforehand. 'Next' would be another I'd add to your list there?! film

Has anybody seen the 1999 film The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment? ( the only film with Bruce Willis I like apart from Pulp Fiction ) anyway, that film was nearly ruined for me in the cinema when someone shouted out the pivotal point before we'd arrived at knowing the 'twist', fortunately I was so absorbed I didn't catch watch they said, but at the end of the movie, my (very assertive) friend pointed out to this person that perhaps they should think twice before opening their mouth mid film next time! secret




The Changeling

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Date: 11:43 PM, 09/13/10
RE: As A Fan.......

I loved the movie The Sixth Sense.  I would have been very angry had someone ruined the ending for me.  What an audience Dimwit!


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 1:12 AM, 09/14/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Yes! Good grief man..eyes to the front and eat your popcorn! yellowflowergrin





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Date: 3:55 AM, 09/14/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Yes, Next, though I remain confused by the ending and so I probably wouldn't have understood the spoiler anyway! But I like the movie a lot, Jessica Biel notwithstanding,  and own it and watch it fairly often. I think he is so sweet in it when trying to charm her. 



Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 10:25 PM, 09/14/10
As A Fan.......

It really is such a charming, albeit brief, "courtship" (ugh can't think of a better word..seduction ain't it either!)

The ending of Next threw me completely.... which I absolutely hated at first ...and then loved. Without giving anything away, the rug is pulled, you fall over and feel disorientated, you can't catch your breath and it is clever. Left me with my mouth open (and completely silent, much to the relief of everyone else!) jawdrop.gif

does anyone else want to throw an "As A Fan...." question on the round table ?!flowerface2

-- Edited by Lula Argante on Tuesday 14th of September 2010 10:33:24 PM




Nic Warrior

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Date: 1:24 PM, 09/16/10
RE: As A Fan.......

I agree with White Fay,usually I do like reading new articles on up-coming movies that contain plot details or some Nic's notes on a particular movie.The only thing I definately didn't need to do was watching too much trailers,I was so much into doing this when The Sorcerer's Apprentice was coming out.This is absolutely the wrong thing to do if you don't want to spoil the impression.There's nothing exciting if you know what's going to happen next, and that was exactly the thing I experienced in the theatre watching TSAno Though I don't regret reading about the episode when Balthazar fixes a pigeon's leg,didn't know Tesla considered pigeons his friends,that was so NICe of Nic to put this detail in the movie!

So next time I want to see Ghost Rider or any other new trailer,I'll probably have to stop myself


" Nothing is worth more than this day.Goethe

Miss Delicious KittyNICious

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Date: 3:16 PM, 09/18/10
RE: As A Fan.......

I don't mind a bit of titilation, I think the hype adds to the excitement!bouncyfrog But I agree with you Voodoo Child, too much info can be overkill. I did really love all the Sorcerer's hype though, I was still surprised enough to enjoy the film. bowsmiley


The Changeling

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Date: 3:50 PM, 09/18/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Okay....Since we're on the topic of Sorceror's's a NEW question for everyone.


I mean, it had our man Nic looking his sexiest in a long while, it had elements of love affairs, it had the proverbial good vs evil in it, it had goodies galore for the kiddies in WHY didn't it do better in the theaters?


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 8:34 PM, 09/18/10
As A Fan.......

oooh great question White Fay!

i agree Voodoo child, Disney really did go to town with the official trailers and clips but I loved it! I think perhaps the only time they went over the line for me was when they revealed the famous Mop scene! But I also agree with you didn't ruin the film in the slightest!flowerface

Now back to your question white know what, I really have absolutely no clue why The Sorcerer's Apprentice didn't fair better at the box office! Disney were on the case from the word go with the promotion, advertising and publicity! I was really really surprised it didn't have a better opening in the states! Sometimes it is because a film has been mismarketed...which definitely wasn't the case here. It doesn't help that the critics latch their casually slaughtering fingernails into every Nic film as it comes out! Maybe it has something to do with magic...the very reason why the film excites me so much... yet possibly we're in the minority as adults who dig that? Mind you..there was more than enough excitement for adults and young people alike other wise bored with the magical themes, with the live action, special effects car chase scenes...What are your thoughts White Fay and all?starry

-- Edited by Lula Argante on Saturday 18th of September 2010 08:42:28 PM





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Date: 12:15 AM, 09/20/10
RE: As A Fan.......

A lot of people only go to movies their faves are in or with themes that really appeal to them, like comic book adaptations or rom-coms. Other than that, I think the ordinary person looks for the new big thing, and Inception was that this summer. TSA came out at a bad time, maybe, I think it would have been an awesome Christmas time show. I am just second guessing though, because I thought it would do really well, based on the previews. Maybe there was too much hype?



The Changeling

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Date: 12:21 AM, 09/20/10
RE: As A Fan.......

To tell you the truth I don't think they marketed the movie right.  It seemed to be little jibs and jabs meant to appeal to everyone but it missed the teen and young adult population by leaps and bounds. tried to sell itself as a family movie but a family movie is usually for kids 12 and under with their parents.  And, I don't think parents of little kids could figure out if the movie would be appropriate for say a six year old.  The movie has made about $200 million worldwide so that's a good thing!


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 1:23 PM, 09/20/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Yeah, I agree about the little kids part White Fay and that's a good point about the marketing, flowerface

The adult and the little kid in me both loved it though!starry

One thing that does piss me off is how the uk gets everything later than the majority of the rest of the world! I think Disney missed the boat at the peak of the hype for The Sorcerer's Apprentice in the uk. That, plus the fact that the filmmakers and stars all attended premieres and press junkents in other countries, but not the uk. Jay Baruchel came to an Apple Store in London for the opening! *moan over*!




The Changeling

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Date: 12:56 AM, 09/21/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Wow.....I'm surprised that they didn't premier it over there as well as here.  What a shame!


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 1:34 PM, 09/21/10
RE: As A Fan.......

There was a big opening, just as far as I'm aware only Jay Baruchel attended!

Ok another question for us all!w00t.gif

As a fan.....within the impressively wide range of Nics' movies, do you have a preferred style or genre you prefer to see him create a character in? And is there a kind of character you'd love to see, but he is yet to play?





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Date: 2:04 AM, 09/22/10
As A Fan.......

Well, I do love the off-beat with humour, so maybe I'll go with that. He really is so good at funny and that doesn't get mentioned very often.
Hard to choose, really, Lula.

As for what kind of character, I think he has played just about every kind. But I wonder if Nic can play someone completely without sympathy, like an amoral serial killer, I'd like to see that. Maybe he has and I haven't seen it.

On another note, I love old classic movies and I love Jimmy Stewart and ever since I read that Spielburg was going to do a remake of 'Harvey' I have had Nic in my mind for that role, he is so obvious to me for the part, he would be great. And he is about the right age, too, I think. They probably would give it to Tom Hanks or someone like that, but Nic would be so much better. (I thought this long before I became a besotted Nic fan, I was just an ordinary Nic fan once, you know!) I have said before that Nic reminds me somewhat of Jimmy Stewart, and I think others have said so, too.
Ah, usually I don't see the point of remaking classics but the idea of Nic in this role thrills me for some reason.
Anyway, Nic did say that "another way is to play someone that is just completely insane and that's next!", so there you go, perfect part for him, Elwood was nutty, in a sweet way.

Another classic style of movie is the screwball comedy like Arsenic and Old Lace, with Cary Grant, which is hysterically funny. I could see Nic in that type of role. I don't know if he has ever done that type yet.

I could see him in a western too, but not your usually kind, maybe The Good, the Bad and the Ugly type of thing, all grizzled and tough.

Here's a scene from 'Harvey':

-- Edited by Lady Trueheart on Wednesday 22nd of September 2010 02:10:27 AM



The Changeling

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Date: 2:26 AM, 09/22/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Great minds think alike Lady Trueheart...........I've been saying for years that I wanted to see Nic in a role like "Harvey".  He'd be perfect playing befuddled.  For the past several years Nic's characters all have in common a sort of 'angst, tortured or wounded soul' aspect to them. 

I so want to see Nic play against this type again.  He is a superb comedic actor.  For instance in Raising Arizonia, he was like a Dick Van Dyke wet noodle type.  I don't doubt these characters are harder for an actor, because it has to be hard acting 'happy go lucky dimwit' when one is just the opposite, but boy oh boy...........would it be a treat for the paying public.

As far as playing someone completely without sympathy....isn't that what he played in Bangkok Dangerous?  Until he met a few souls that seemed to speak to him, he was and in the end ultimately was again, a cold blooded killer.


"Love one another but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"
~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~


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Date: 5:13 AM, 09/22/10
RE: As A Fan.......

Yes, but he still brought some sympathy to the character, made you care about him and want him to win the girl, and change his life. So you can envision ways that he might have become the person he is, although I don't think that is touched on in the movie. Same with Castor Troy, something damaged about him in the way Nic played him.



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