Inception was good, kelsey, I really liked Marion Cotillard in it.
I want to see the Woody Allen movie, Lula, it sounds like I would like it. What a concept, traveling back to the 1920's Paris, I would love that!
I really love the Dragon Tattoo books, but I decided to pass on the movies, sometimes visual is just too brutal for me. Yes, Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara for the North American versions of the books, will be interesting to hear how they compare.
I liked RDJ in the Sherlock Holmes movies but really I liked Jude Law even more, thought he was great as Watson. Sometimes I find RDJ too cool, or facile, not sure.
Howdy Kels, lovely to see you! I really enjoyed Inception too, what a film, really really much to take in on one viewing though!
I am so looking forward to getting my Source Code dvd, it looks like an awesome movie
Lady True, I think you will Love Midnight In Paris, especally if you like Woody Allen movies, the actors are very much bringing their characters in his style, you know the one I mean ...the kind of rambling soft talking explorations of things, and I was really impressed with the idea of fantasy in a period kind of a way.
I saw Submarine last night, for some reason i have been looking foward to this britsh film for a long time, a coming of age movie, kind of more edgy version of Adrian Mole but a ton better.
I was looking back on this thread and I noticed the comment on Jay Baruchel, I guess he may also have been on my mind from our The Sorcerer's Apprentice discussions! I agree his been in some pulpy movies, 'she's out of your league', 'knocked up', 'Fanboys'...still fun kind of movies but he also has been in some ones that have left more of lingering impression on me....Fetching Cody (loved this) Good Neighbours (not at all how the title sounds, more of a thriller, good film ) and what's the name of the other one that stayed with me, I just liked it as it seems like a smaller film, he plays a character that is hard to sympathise with yet you end up doing so because of the situation he finds himself in ..i will have to look it up....oh and Buried, that is a weird little film! So he has been in quite a range of films! oh yes ! that film is called Real Time, i think he will surprise people in that. He was in Tropic Thunder too, I loved his character .
Let me know when you watch Source Code, Lula, so you can explain it to me, still not exactly sure what happened! Sci-fi confuses me sometimes. But I liked it, both actors have a good presence and the story was exciting.
Let me know when you watch Source Code, Lula, so you can explain it to me, still not exactly sure what happened! Sci-fi confuses me sometimes. But I liked it, both actors have a good presence and the story was exciting.
A real mind bender eh Lady T? I can't wait!! what makes you think i will get it either though!! my bain was a steaming pile of short circuiting sparks within the first few minutes of Inception so if it is anything like as clever I will probably have a meltdown!
Well, I never really got Inception either, lol! I still don't really understand what happened at the end of Next, for that matter, but I don't really care, I'll probably figure it out if I watch it enough times.
It seems to me that The Departed is a heterogeneous-culture film, i prefer Infernal Affairs as it caters to Chinese mainsteam ideology and communication way...
I have not seen Internal Affairs Tues and Kels , sounds like I need to if it is better than The Departed which I really enjoyed, thanks for the reommendation. The Departed has such a great cast and with Scorcese at the helm you know it is going to be a real 'film'experience.
I have now seen Source Code and it is just as epic as I imagined. Very odd how quickly the time passed, it was such an easy film to watch yet with a fairly sophisticated plot ( If we were to discuss our interpretaions of the ending Lady T it may spoil it for others so perhspa we shouldn't!) I love intelligent sci fi and I gues this would fall into that bracket
We just watched Thor, I liked it, it was fun, now I am kind of looking forward to the Avengers. I never care for super hero movies much, but I did enjoy the Norse mythology.