ah but it's not Christmas til it's Christmas..in the meantime it's not Christmas! Lol!
Christmas is a time of peacefulness, love and harmony, the very opposite of consumerism, feeling under pressure, meeting deadlines, ticking clocks those are the henious addictions of our society......this year I'm revolting! Yes i know i'm always revolting...you know what I mean......
On second thoughts.....PANIC!! *runs around castle throwing tinsel and faery lights everywhere*
Just so you know, that pony is looking down into the valley below where the grass is so much greener, trying to figure out a way down. I know this because I --- ---- -----.
Does slothfullness count for living in the moment?
isn't that a value judgement? i would argue that laziness is runing on a hamster wheel without any depth to your experiance of reality and stopping is the only way to be fully in the now