I do, I know exactly what you mean Meg! As an actor in my view, Nic excels at conveying that energy, it is not an easy balance but he conveys it almost like a magical dust oozing though the atmosphere or almost like invisible wildfire! ( that's nouveau shamaNIC in action for you! )
In this role particularly, that balance of darkness and a slightly intimidating energy with an all encompassing wisdom and heart...it's intense.. and I am in awed by how he does that by appearing to be understated ..it really is magical!
The actual moment where he raises the Merlin Circle gives me such a deep rush, the soundtrack helps with that of course!
The score fits perfect to the most magical scene in that movie! It is so powerfull and strong. You really feel the energy in that scene. Wonderfull. Thanks for sharing, Lula. :)
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."