WOW this was tough..I got stuck on The Family Man one and after trying every possible variation of the Matchstick Men answer, it wouldn't let me have just a heads up there, they haven't got that quote strictly correct!!!
Hahaha! Did it make you wanna watch Face Off immediately Lady T?
And can I just say, in my book "till" is something you find on a shop counter, I think they meant 'til!
Yes it did, although it doesn't take much to make me want to watch Face/Off again! But also Matchsticke Men, another favourite which I haven't watched for awhile. I didn't get that one or the 8 MM one, or a few of the Face/Off ones, couldn't remember the exact terminology.
I thought you were right about till / 'tiluntil I looked it up, and here is what the free online dictionary says:
Usage Note: Till and until are generally interchangeable in both writing and speech, though as the first word in a sentence until is usually preferred: Until you get that paper written, don't even think about going to the movies. · Till is actually the older word, with until having been formed by the addition to it of the prefix un-, meaning "up to." In the 18th century the spelling 'till became fashionable, as if till were a shortened form of until. Although 'till is now nonstandard, 'til is sometimes used in this way and is considered acceptable, though it is etymologically incorrect.
Interesting, I like learning about the origins of words.