You will love this forum. It is very interactive with members from all over the world. It is very up to date on what Nic is doing and he is one very busy man.
Hi Im pretty new to this Forum and to be honest although I love the format I do think Facebook would probably benefit discussions, interest and activity a great deal. Have been a member of many forums like this and almost all of them have converted over to facebook, I know it is harder to moderate but you can still set up a group and still make sure its only true Cage fans that are members. Even keep this one going and set up a trial and I bet you wont look back
Welcome Cagefan. You are going to love Cagealot. Anything and Everything you ever wanted to know about our King Nic can and will be found here. Have fun checking it out.
This forum had facebook and twitter once! But, that was at the time, when Lula was still the moderator, and had time to keep both running! But, as "new" moderators, Lady Trueheart and I decided, that we give up both, because neither of us have the time, to keep both (fb and twitter) running. It is more important to keep this NICtastic Forum, dedNICated to our HERO, alive and running!
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
Lady R is right. When Lula decided to move on to other interests we knew we couldn't give it so much loving attention as she did. I know there are other Nic fan pages on Facebook, they seem to be doing well, but I personally dont see where they generate that much actual discussion. But I only check occasionally, so I cant really speak to that. I guess this format is not the way people are going now but it took wacks of work to create it and compile the data here, so it seems good to me to stick to this for now. It was quite active at one time, I am to blame I guess for the lack of stuff going on as I just dont have the time, or inclination really, to devote to it.