"Love one another but make not a bond of love.Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls"~~~~ Khalil Gibran ~~~~
I've got 90%.It is good score, I think.
"No one knows how much time they have with the people that are the most important."
80 %
I think I was wrong with Horvath's first name, and the age that Horvath geussed from Dave
My brain only works on one power... The power of Nicolas Cage!
I got a 90.00% on the test
Whoop, Whoop!!!!
I got 100,00% on the test. It was a pretty easy test. And I liked it very much.
(saw the movie countless times).
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
Nicolas Cage