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Date: 4:37 AM, 10/28/10
RE: As A Fan.......

I think I have to agree with you Lula, on your list of things that a fan would enjoy discussing, except that you left out one thing, his undeniable HOTNESS!!! But I think you know I like discussing that already. wink

On a more personal level though, I love finding interviews where Nic reveals things about himself; likes and dislikes, feelings and opinions, beliefs, and so on. Of course, he is much more private than he used to be, so that is harder to come by. For example, I loved seeing the clips with Jay Baruchel when they talked about music and riffed casually in a friendly way, that was fun! And I guess the reason I get excited when I find these tidbits of information is because I equate it to what happens when you have a new friend; you want to know about them, you ask questions, you are interested in them and what they think. It gives you a better understanding of the person. Guess I like knowing about the man and who he is.

I admire his work greatly and I best love to discuss his characters, too. We are in agreement on that point for sure (like totally). I love reading interviews where he talks about his take on a character and how he approaches the characterization. But I also appreciate this quote of his that you once posted:

"I want you to have your connection and your secret understanding of the character."



Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 7:42 PM, 10/28/10
RE: As A Fan.......

LOL! Ah how very true, Lady True!biggrin.gif I can never really get enough of talking about Nic's HOTNESS! flame.gif even still I do put a lid on it at times for fear of boring people! and the words remain as private thoughts! Maybe I shouldn't! wink.gif

I love to talk about all the things I listed except the private life stuff really!

Great point you made about hearing from Nic himself, I love that too, and really get excited about interviews.bouncy and you've reminded me of something I forgot to mention... I am absolutely dolally about anything he himself has written. I do not know why this is... i think it is because ... Well let's face it the man is hyper intelligent and ultra creative and writes so very very well..... and i find that thrilling in the man i've admired for years! I like that it's emerged straight from within him, pure from source, 'Nic absolut' not diluted not translated .... I do realise this is a projection and imposition on my part and of course acting is in Nic's blood and I hope he does it forever.....but he could also be a writer he is that good. Can't wait for the auto bio. starry




Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 9:32 PM, 12/07/10
RE: As A Fan.......

As a fan.......

Where do you stand on the issue of Nic / celebrity sightings and paparazzi shots??

Are they an invasion of privacy or do you feel that it comes with the territory? do we as fans perpetuate things by sharing them?

would love to know your opinion!flowerface

For me, I have a line where I begin to feel uncomfortable. If Nic is spotted at a public event that is going to draw media attention, and someone shares that, it is different than if he's trying to keep a low profile or out with his family and so on.
I think I've pretty much shared how I feel about the 'culture of celebrity' that prescribes they are pretty much public property....just because that's the way it is, doesn't, in my view, mean that it's ok, or that I personally as a fan have to buy into that.

Wherever did it say in the rule book that being an artist or actor meant never having a shred of privacy when you step out of your door, only when the concept was created and reinvented over and over again did it become the norm.

I had this exact conversation with someone recently, and they told me that by being a Nic Cage fan and having a site meant I had bought into the culture of celebrity too...for me, a website where we can express our admiration and appreciation is not an invasion of privacy at all but a totally non invasive environment to just totally Nic out without intruding in any way on Nic's life!
And while it could be said that my admiration of the work of Nicolas Cage is disproportionately passionate,biggrin.gif it's not in any way intruding or with any kind of an expectation.

That seems different than the expectation of the media and to some extent to public. For me, not all of the conversation I want to have is about what is going on in Nic's life, it's more about his movies....and it's true I do love to see photos of Nic, but only ones that are consensual! And it feels less intrusive to have spy photos on a movie set than pap photos when someone is not at work and is clearly not wanting to have a camera in their face!

Are there ways to be a dedicated fan without having any expectation or without intruding in any way or supporting an invasion of privacy? I think so! Perhaps we are intruding simply by having a conversation like this about another human being.........?

Bleh........I get like this sometimes, I call it my conflicted fan crisis! Lol flowerface

Anyway........where do my fellow Cagealot Castle friends stand on the subject?! I'm sure it's different for us all! multicolourlove




Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 1:42 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......






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Date: 3:41 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......

Probably a hard question for members to address here, Lula, as it is your site and you have strong feelings about the issue. Also, I think most people are used to looking at their favourite celebrity gossip site and seeing pics of the stars out walking, shopping, etc. and don't really think of the implications of those shots. I look at them myself. And many actors are complicite with the situation and arrange for the photo op sessions, it is probably easier for them that way, plus they get publicity all the time.

Nic is not of that type of course, and also, he is so famous he cannot go out without being recognized, it seems. I think he does a pretty good job at living his life in as normal a way as possible, witness numerous pics of him out at Disneyland and sghtseeing and so on, but it must take a toll on him and his family.

I don't think it is anything new, look at Elvis and the Beatles phenomenon, and I bet even the gladators got stalked by adoring fans. People have always needed/wanted someone to admire and aspire to be like, and then they like to take them down and vilify them too.That is a sad commentary but I believe it to be true.

My feelings are that we perpetuate them just by looking at them. The sites that buy the pics wouldn't do so if it wasn't getting them lots of hits. That is how the paps get their money. It is a huge business. It really is all money driven, I think.   As fans, therefore, I feel we contribute. Unless a site strictly stays on topic of movies and performances and award shows, we are contributing. We look and search for pics, we discuss the various sightings, we become experts in the image of the star as portrayed by the media. And we discuss them in ways that depersonalize them and sometimes we try to own them. I am talking in a general way, you understand.

We mythify the ones we admire, and Heaven help them when they actually turn out to be real people with all the faults and frailties of the human condition, which they invariably do.

So, I think it is an ongoing thing that has evolved with the times, and maybe with the use of cell phone cameras is changing again, so that the paps will be competing with anyone who wants to take a pic and shoot a 5 minute video and post it on you-tube. And maybe the proliferation of reality shows and stars who court fame and notoriety will take the heat off serious artists. I think not for someone of Nic's iconic status, that will never change. I have no solution unless we all suddenly realize that our own life is what we should be celebrating, and not someone on a movie screen or stage.

And I do feel that it goes with the territory to a certain extent, because I think there is the ego factor to be considered in if an actor wants to be a Movie Star, plus the fact that to stay in the higher echelons of movie stardom and the resulting fame and fortune it gives, the stars need to be in the public eye and to be considered desirable commodities. If people stop looking at their pics and stop reading about their doings they lose favour with the ones with the power annd money.

I am conflicted too, but I still look.



Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 4:46 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......

Thank you for sharing your perspective Lady True, as always, such wisdom in your words! starry I do hope though that people feel able to express their opinion, tis why i asked the question! flowerface




the mystery master

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Date: 5:19 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......

wowmy brilliant NICsters,there are many many words to say,you re the pride of cagealot familyccrocks


Nic Warrior

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Date: 6:21 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......

Unfortunately it is true that peole tend to look at things the way they are presented to them,they don't try to get to the truth of these things,they don't even think of it.The same thing is with paparazzi shots...I have to admit that I myself used to look at them without even thinking that they are actually an invasion of privacy,that Nic may dislike being photographed while out with family.You just look at it as a normal thing,because pap shots are everywhere and somehow you start forgetting that it's NOT normal.It may be part of what is called 'celebrity life' but it's not normal at all. I only began to realize it because of you,Lula,thank you for that!It's still hard for me sometimes to resist the temptation to look at some paparazzi shots of Nic though...but I absolutely share and approve your idea of not posting any pics that actually represent an invasion of privacy.


" Nothing is worth more than this day.Goethe

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 9:39 PM, 04/26/11
RE: As A Fan.......

I think you summed up my "conflicted" there too voodoo child flowerface

 I bumped this topic up today because i am havng that feeling again at the moment...i can't remember what it was that triggered off the original post months ago...i think maybe that picture of Nic in the car where he had his hand over his face and really didn't want to be photographed. I guess those are the kind that are over the linefor me, there are some random press shots, or fan shots, where Nic is not at a public event where he seems happy to be photographed, but there are other times where he seems understandably uncomfortable!

I don't really have much to add to my previous comment...other than to agree voodoo child, the world has become blind to so many things that when you really stop to think about it are fundamentally a breach of another humans' rights, yet because they have become so ingrained in our mainstream culture, people consider them not only acceptable but expect them! Of course , this theme travels further than just ohots too.. sigh.....maybe it is time to turn off the google alerts, althougb i am very selective about what i actually look at and read..and circulate! I do ceom across really cool film sites by the way that report only on movies, with interviews, films news, reviews etc.. they never resort to gossip stuff ! thumbsup.gif




the mystery master

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Date: 4:44 AM, 04/27/11
RE: As A Fan.......

I'm totally in sympathy with you all on this be honest,i feel sympathy for those public character,nobody will feel comfortable about being Caged,i am sick and tired of all that stuff


Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 1:32 PM, 08/12/11
RE: As A Fan.......

yep ....I am having that feeling again! I mean FFS world...... why not just print Nic's pin  number and have done with it!! give the man some privacy and think ! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:

And now that is out of my system how about let's have a discussion!!!!!!! I thought we as Nicolas Cage fans could come up with the definition of 'a fan'.

What does being a fan mean to you? what does it involve? what doesn't it involve? For example do you feel you have to watch a certain number of films per week, do you have to have seen Nic's entire filmography, do you need to join a fan site, do you need to have Nic's autograph or collect every piece of memoribillia!

I was talking to Gina a little about this today and for me it is all about honouring and celebrating the work of a great actor and the characters he brings to life, about exploring that in as many creative and inspiring ways as poss and being inspired! that is all. i have no hankering for autographs and memoribillia, but as founder of Cagealot Castle I love to have an outlet for my passion and to meet others with the same adn to share and have fun with it! I always watch several Nic movies a week because i am addicted to them and I do feel that to have a complete overview of Nic's work you have to have seen his entire filmography. fairymagic

How about you?!!!!!?? bouncyfrog






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Date: 5:31 AM, 08/14/11
RE: As A Fan.......

You have summed it up so well, Lula. I'm having trouble coming up with anything. Here is what I have come up with so far.




Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 12:58 PM, 08/14/11
RE: As A Fan.......

ha ha! yellowflowergrin I have soo many days like that! wonderful clip Lady t, thank you for sharing! starry




Team Cage

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Date: 4:28 PM, 03/13/12
RE: As A Fan.......

I do enjoy watching his movies.  However, unlike most who have already posted, as a fan, I can't help but be interested in all perspective parts of Nic's life.  I do enjoy seeing pictures of him with fans and seeing or hearing about Nic visiting your everyday, run-of-the-mill shops and such. 

I believe, that when you engage upon a public career, as Nic has, part of you becomes public and that's something that Nic has made a fine effort in finding the proper balance between. 

I've heard and read Nic stating that without his fans, he would not be able to live the life that he and his family so joyously enjoys, so he's grateful to sign an autograph or pose for a picture for a fan.  I love that about him.

As a fan, you do begin to care about your star's well-being, so I think that's the personal part of it.  I also feel though, personally caring for your star's well-being MUST be done from afar so, as to not or ever infringe upon their privacy or disrupt their private lives in any way. 


Whoop, Whoop!!!!

Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 8:18 PM, 03/15/12
RE: As A Fan.......

Thank you for sharing your point of view Gina! flowerface I agree about enjoying seeing fan photos, but for me there is no expectation of any star to do that as graciously as Nic does. I do not agree that just because a celebrity culture exists, it is ok and just 'how it is', I feel most artists, be they musicans, or actors, or dancers or whatever, are responding to their muse and simply doing what their soul direction compels them to do, the rest of it is just a manuactured by product that they don't necessarily have to buy into.

As a fan I am grateful that we get to receive the fruit of that muse,  that is a gift that i am grateful for and have no expectation or desire for anything more. Just my view, no offense to anyone elses!  

I particularly agree with your last sentence. flowerface




Nic Warrior

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Date: 9:18 PM, 03/15/12
RE: As A Fan.......

As a fan, I am into the following prior to the movies release:

* WATCH THE TRAILER (the longer trailer, the better! but not too much spoiling and it should be in HD version. chortle)

* LOOKING FORWARD FOR THE "BEHIND THE SCENES" (in this way, I can see what's happening behind the camera. LoL! rolllaugh)

* CAST'S INTERVIEWS! (Cause I want to know their opinions/reactions regarding their film production)

* DIRECTOR'S CUT (For me, this is the best part for knowing about the film)

* DVD RELEASE DATE (after watching the film on wide screen/movie theaters, I still have the chance to watch it all over again!)

Sorry for talking too much! chortlechortlechortle


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Faery Queen of Cagealot Castle

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Date: 8:13 PM, 03/19/12
RE: As A Fan.......

Great to read you opinion Reggie!

I think you are referring to a question from earlier on in this thread about what you like to see before a film is released? Do you mean the directors opinion? a directors cut of the movie is not released prior to the film opening...but i definiteely agree, I love to se the moive as intended to be seen by the creator of that movie, as opposed to the edited down version for either the studio, or time restraints etc...! action




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