Welcoming all the new members who have joined us in the last couple of weeks!
BarbyEvolucion Cal DIEHARD_NicCage_Fan Filmactress McClunger princess visionary Serendipityxx SHAKI005 Sir Patrick Pickle steffi Tues_ManIc
Thank you for registering and becoming part of the Cagealot Community, it's great to have you on board!
It is wonderful to see some of you posting and joining in with the chat in our chat room, and for those of you who are yet to dive in, please come and say hi, we would love to hear what makes you a fan of Nicolas Cage!
Thank you McClunger, that is so lovely of you to say! For all of those involved in setting up this community and creating our Castle, I think it would be fair to say it is an enjoyable a labour of love! For me, Cagealot feels like Home.
I see it is our joint community, each and every member here contributes to it's creation on a daily basis! We just provide the virtual bricks and mortar!