It is storming right now in California and as a result the bosses allowed us to go home early!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Here comes a nice roaring fire and a cup of hot chocolate!!!
WooHOO!! I love storms Gina, (so long a they are not the dangerous kind!) we had one a couple of nights ago with epic lightning. elemental. I like how storms bring you back to the Now!
I feel really very blessed and honored to be a member in this wonderfull forum. Everyone here is so kind and wonderfull. And I`m really happy about it.
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
It was a fabulous day Lula, thank you and hope you are having a brilliant day(live up to its name) too .This is a good place to sharing those little things take place through our lives that noone but a friend would give two hoots hearing about.
I am happy to hear that Tues! May you create a day today as equally fabulous.
Thank you, I had an amazing day yesterday, I love autumn and spent time with nature and the trees, such a particular energy in the air, the light, the turning leaves, beautiful.
Yes, I think the act of writing these snippets of happiness is powerful, it seems to me the world is perhaps more apt to bemoan it's lot, and rarely notice the beauty that is right here right now and the gifts in every moment. i used to be this way too until i lost everything including my health,the ability to see, to walk, to be with people... and now each thing that comes back feels like a miraculous blessing! i feel gratitude just for being alive and seeing the exquisite beauty in just a blade of grass.
Life is not about how to live through the storm but how to dance in the rain Thank you for sharing, I just wanna hug you Lula, there was a hard time for me too, but its nothing compared with yours. An angel with a beautiful spirit can finally earn his/her wings.. Im a sun-worshipper you know where i am now?!thats all
I am sorry you have lived through suffering also Tues, thank you for the hug I mean this without sentiment or glibness ,but it is true that "your pain is the breaking open of the shell that encloses your understanding" (Kahlil Gibran) when you live through stuff, and survive, the light shines brighter and illuminates a truer Truth!
Wow, I just read many of your salutations. Just beautiful. Reading them, made me happy. Thank you Tues, Lula, Lady T, all of you, for your inspiring words.