I'm really proud of these two! I wrote the one for Bringing Out the Dead and Anna wrote the one for The Boy in Blue. As ever, I really hope you guys enjoy them! Thanks for reading!
Hi Sprocket! Thank you for sharing more Cage Wisdom from your very own brain box, you write so perceptively and very well, another enjoyable read!
It will take me a couple more reads to fully absorb all you lay out for us, I have my own connection with this movie, some of which resonates with what you shared, but as usual a couple of beauties leap off the page...particularly the part about the 'moments' in movies.
As far as I was aware, Nic has said in interviews he was raised without a particular religious belief system, but please do point me to where the catholic upbringing was mentioned?! Thanks!
I loved Anna's take on The Boy in Blue, I was giggling all the ways through. Great pictures too by the way!
Thanks for reading! I thought that Anna's 'Boy in Blue' review was the funniest thing she's written yet! Tp be absolutely honest, I may well have drawn the idea that Nic was raised in the Catholic Church from wiki, which claims as much... though, of course there are different levels of devotion, adherence and practice.
With regards, to my own stab in the dark at Nic's belief system, that was mostly conjured after watching a series of youtube interviews from around the last few years. He certainly seems to entertain spiritual notions and is predictably open-minded about religion, saying that he considers it to be perfectly compatible with scientific enquiry. Personally, I can imagine him believing in the holistic inter-connection of all things... a sort of William Jamesian harmony.
Bringing Out the Dead was a really fascinating watch. One of Nic's most gripping performances imo. Also, I like Scorsese's more obscure and peculiar films, King of Comedy especially.
The CAGECAST! Podcast needs your help! If you are randomly reading this thread: the date is 10/10/2011 -- if you have seen the Boy in Blue, I would love some feedback to read on the show -- if you can get it in the next few days, you'll definitely read it on the air. Send in your thoughts or mp3 to feedback@cagecast.com -- thanks all!