realy very impressive lady A!
My brain only works on one power... The power of Nicolas Cage!
Just wanna bump this topic up again, and add this, help the sea lions!!!
And help save the mexican gray wolf, you can sign the petition!
Or support in other ways at the animal rescue site!!
and the petitions are here:ยต
(But warning for people who are sensitive, myself one of them for me it goes to see the topics but just xwanna be sure)
Thanks, Eva, for bumping this site up by adding these great links! Those animals, truly, need our support! Great finds!
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
Nicolas Cage
np!! And for any members who are on facebook, join my kibble crew please, to the friends there I've send a request, by joinging (by just one click) you donate 10 food bowls!! for anyone else, here is a link: