The other night, I got invited to trivia night at a local bar. This is when I learned that Nic Cage was one of the top 5 highest-paid actors in 2009. I thought that was fitting based on his talent, but one woman at my table asked if didn't she hear somewhere that he is broke? So my friend looks it up on her smartphone & comes up with some gossip about him having bought (it sounded like she said) golden bowling balls ?(but I couoldn't hear her too good with all the noise)? So then the lady next to me has to make a comment about how she'd love to play with his balls & my friend has to concur, but I had to be looking across the table at my boyfriend & turning red! Single friends + alcohol= no discretion.Nicolas +trivia= points!
That is why you don't go out with your girlfriends and your boyfriend at the same time, GRMay, lol!!! I have never heard of the bowling balls story but it is quite fitting considering that we have been known to refer to Nic here at the forum as The ManWiith The Golden Balls. Only referring to bowling of course
It's news to me too! but let's face it..... why buy any golden balls at all when you have the perfect set of your own ! (thanks for the link Lady True, we had fun in that thread didn't we!! ) does Nic bowl? or do they mean 'boules' which is a french game I often enjoyed in the south of france..heavier smaller balls!
He bowled in a few movies, didn't he? And there was some gossipy thing awhile ago about him bowling with some tall blonde. I like bowling, it's fun, but I am not so good at it.
You said it was at a bar what did they serve as apetizer, was it coctail meatballs? chicken wings? potato skins? what did they have seated at the bar? Heinken light? What was she high on Moosehead Beer? Either she was pretty damn hungry or pretty damn desperate, or both. She should have taken her bows at the bar and left it.
candi apple i don't quite understand your post but it reads as a possibly a bit rude to GreenRiverMay's friend. If i have got that wrong i aologize, but i would appreciate respect to all members in all comments, thanks.