never mind lady T, hopefully that means you were happily surprised by some science facts?! i thought they really had an unvisibilty cloak already, but maybe the technology is too early to cloak humans! imagine it though they did exist, and i have every faith they will!
cool about the time travel being science fact, though i have to disagree that humans cannot time is possible to travel multidimensioanally in spiritually advanced states. and , it is available to all people simply by intending to for example send energy into the future orr past...In Reiki, it is possible also to effect the future and past by sending healing forwards or backwards. But, it is not yet sceince fact and scence does insist on evideince from this (very limited) dimensiion so its pretty impossible to prove beyond experientially. and here endeth my ramble!
they def have the technology going for the cloak tool Lady t I posted about it once on Cagefactor, but I think they were developing it for cloaking objects and mlitary purposes.
and I am glad my inane braingasms don't bore you to tears i seem to be more like it on a Monday, maybe it is a throw back to school days first day after the weekend kind of thing...ha!
So..............has anyone seen anything in a sci fi movie they would love to see made 'real'?!?!