It`s awesome, how they composed the movie like a opera. And, the music from LaBoheme is so wonderfull, and it fits perfect as a theme through the whole movie!
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
i love it too eva! sets the tone for the movie, and there is so much going on in the opening, the moon, the opera being set up in teh background...we know romance is to come!
Cher's an interesting movie star - there's something both very open and very closed about her at the same time, which matches her confidence/ vulnerability.
I think the bereavement is there - she's friendly, yet still guarded. Also, she relates to the world through talking; it's her way of dealing, talking things through.
@sprocket, you are right, and bereavement is def there considering she is in a funeral parlour at the beginning! life and death are very much themes of this movie! but, there is a lightness and something magical right from the start too.. a fairytale quality...
I got the impression, that she is a little disappointed about her live. Lost her first husband, her current boyfriend is a wimp and, I think that is not the life, she really wanted. Untill she meets that odd one-handed baker, who kind of beginns to fascinates her.
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."
When I see the first restaurant scene with cher she seems cool and looks like she controls it all, but then later she looses all controll (who wouldn't lose controll with Nic :))
My brain only works on one power... The power of Nicolas Cage!
@ sprocket, luck and bad luck...and how loretta no longer follows her heart but makes practical decisions like marrying Johnny!
and there is that semse of fate too..and somthign larger than life, like the moon that somehow pushes and pulls forces we cannot choics of the head really don't stand a chance!