FrankfurterRundschau>People NicolasCageInterview "I likecinema, whichstimulates"
Actor NicolasCageonhisshattereddreamsof Superman, drugexperimentation andhisthird nominationas"Worst Actor" for the "Golden Raspberry".
NicolasCagecomeswithacan of RedBullfor an interview andemphasizesthefinding thatitisalreadyhisfifth."Caffeine hasthe effectonmethatI amtotallycalm," he says, laughing.And indeed,the oftendifficult andinaccessibleHollywood stariscompletelyunobtrusive andrelaxed.In sharp contrast tothefieryGhostRider, which henow playsfor the second time-andsometimesforgetstoleavethe dressing room...
Is the "GhostRider" sequel"Spiritof Vengeance"revenge, can be turnedto the"Superman" movies?
No,I'm crying"Superman"nota tear.Of courseI would haveplayedreally well -after all,heismyfavoritecomic book character-butunfortunatelythe project didnt gotthe green lightlate90s.I'm sureTimBurton andIhavefoundsomething magicalinthelegs.Andin thesequel to "GhostRider"is,strictly speaking,the Bishopof Canterburyto blame.
Youneed toexplain.
When Iwasthe first "GhostRider" moviein Londonon a promotionaltour,I metduring a visitto WestminsterCathedral,theBishop ofCanterbury, andby chancean AmericanBishopof Colorado.At that time Iwasveryhappyblackleatheroutfits andmotorcycleboots.There I was-from headto toein black leather-andsuddenlywhisperedthe Bishopof Colorado's ear:"Icanalsobe quiterude andcheeky"At that moment Ithought:Whynota "GhostRider"-filmmaking,inwhich the churchplays a bigrole?
The filmusesreligion, however, averystriking...
Whileyet...isnot objectionable,becausethewhole filmisnothing but apurefantasy-adventure thatwillgive pleasure.But you should, especially here inGermanydo not forgetthat GhostRideristhe onlycartoon characterthatwas inspired byJohannWolfgang vonGoethe.
How so?
Because heisthe only onewho signs a"Faustianpact"with the devil.Heis averyphilosophicalsuperhero.Heuses theforces of eviltodo good.This rathertrickymoralapproachfascinated meas a childtohimthe most.Hewas differentthan anyothersuperhero.
Did you haveto survivein Hollywood, can completea pactwith the devilever?
Hewas offered to meveryoften,but I havenever signedhim.
Thelasttimeyoumakea lot ofescapistmoviesratherthanrealistic,life-likemovies...
Hopefully...not.Bothmeis in factveryimportant.I'mstillfilms thattellthe viewersomething about theharshness andthe beautyof life.Andthenfantasyfilms whereyou can escapefor two hourseveryday.
No matterat what level?
I know:IfI had died15 years agowould lovemeandallsaywhat agreat actorbutIwas.SinceIhad myOscar for"LeavingLasVegas"get.But lifewent on andI'm-quite frankly- veryglad.
They weresubsequentlynominatedfor an Oscaragain.However, youalso receivedthree timesa nominationas "Worst Actor"forthe Golden Raspberry Awards.Does that bother you?
No,I'll giveanythingfor a long timetoreviewwhethertheyaregood orbad.I'm interested inmoviesthat surpriseme.I likecinema,stimulates.
Where do you findthe strength toreinventover and over again?
Preciselythis questionI haveaskedDavidBowie.And hisanswer was. "I'veneverfelt comfortablewith whatIdid"Thathits the nailon the head.
Isitnecessaryfora good actor,beatingsometimescross the lineto try outforthemselves,to shapehispersonality?
Iamnot a supporterof self-destruction.Iam againstdrugs.Istarted mycareerexperimentingwithdrugs,butveryquicklyrealized thatit's not forme.Regularcocaine use, for example,wouldthrow meoff trackasquickly.Andalcoholisin terms of creativityrather counter-productive.
They havealwaysfirmly incontrol?
Sometimes,unfortunatelynot.There wastheChristmas partyin Romania,duringthe filming of"GhostRider".I probably hadsomeproblems withthefilm characterofGhostRideron the setbehind.Instead, Itook himto the party-and there weresomeserious problemsquickly.In plain English:Thehellbroke loose.Itwasprobablya bit ofbrandywiththe game...Butapart from that Ikeep mydemonsat baypretty wellsince then.
Andwhileyoumake your waynow?
Iwant to go backto the amagician,a voodoo priestorshaman.I want to- like you -bringona differentlevel of consciousness,Iengageintocollectivesubconscious, andthentalkabout thingsthat affect usall.I'm always looking fortruth.
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
I wonder if that remark 'naughty priests' Johnny says in Ghost Rider:SOV is a sly little reference to the Bishop's remark to Nic in Westminster Cathedral!